One Piece (ワンピース, Wanpīsu?) is a manga and anime series created by manga artist Eiichiro Oda. One Piece focuses on a ragtag crew of pirates called Straw Hat Pirates led by Captain Monkey D. Luffy. Luffy’s greatest ambition is to obtain the world’s ultimate treasure, One Piece, and become Pirate King. This is what I am going to mention about this Anime.
Last Tuesday I read through one of the blog which mention about shopping one. So sorry coz I forget which blog issit. It stated there got Discount for Toys!!!!! Bandai 70% off so I quickly call out my friends and go over there. After we reach I found it big dissapointment because only few toys of Bandai got discount only which not include the 1/100 scale of MG grade Gundam. Luckily found this “One Piece” figure. It was a full set of four characters which included Robin, Tony tony Chooper, Rononoa Zoro and Luffy.
I cannot said that was not nice coz it was only RM 5.97!!!! for each after discount. It come with boxes and each of the figure own a stand and can post two different poses . Besides, the color of the figure was not bad eccept that the figure’s feature not so nice. The original price was RM19.90 and I think I might can sale on ebay around RM100 for whole set……lolz
I buy 2 sets that day and include a metal dectactor. At the same time, I help Ahkwong another set because I know he addicted to “One piece’.
I went back home open it and ready to take photo. It come with a figure, a stand, two labels and one more arm sets.
Pose 1: Monkey D. Luffy (after join)
Pose 2: Monkey D. Luffy with long arms.
I open another box : Rononoa Zoro ( a charater with 3 sword)
A metal detactor with Luffi version, this one only remain one 2 sets. (side view)
The guide : so when it reach the sign of metal it wil voice out but I haven’t try it out yet
Metal detactor (front view)
Technorati Tags: Anime, One_piece, , Luffi, Sogo, Zoro, Discount, Manga, Figure
wuuu… nice ah those figure!!! dunno when malaysia got gundam fair or figure fair…
Kwong: Seems like very less Games fair, toy fair and Gundam Fair in Malaysia.
Eh! Kinda cute.
Rabbit: Not only cute but cheap as well 🙂