Ok now comtinue back to this FRIM ( Forest Research Institute Malaysia ) and I am going finish this post off coz still got many pending behind. After the waterfall we went to the Canopy walk. I tot it was just few step away but actually is not. It took me 3 hours from to hike there…phew.

So random pics here.

Along the road side I spot something to snap. This mushroom is rare to see anywhere. Nice to see but not nice to touch.

A flower that I capture wah passing to the path to Canopy walkway.

Spot a special scene from the the top of the forest, saw a rabbit ear shape.

The path was quite long and we did took some rest along the way. By that time we do some camhoring.

Say cheese from khai sister.

Ahkhai ask me to take this pic while he was posing.

Too bad the time we reach the Canopy Walkway it was not in service. so we have to come next time.

This pic was taken from Wikimedia coz I have no chance to take it from there. What I heard from friend it was quite scary as you were walking in a very tall position. It was not suitable for people that affraid of height. Ok then my post end up here.