I stop posting up Genting and other post 1st because many of my friends want to look on S.H.E photo. Many people Keep on asking and chasing….Ohmy pengsan already. It was happen yesterday at Sungei Wang 4th floor car park. I reach there by 6.15 pm but got people got people came more early then me. (3 pm I think especially for the fans!!!)
I snap on the stage and the environment by the time I reach. Actually I am not going to come for SHE coz I was hanging with my friends Yum cha until late night on thursday night. I am very tired and exhausted at the moment. Lynn was came around to join the crowd.

Look at the crowd and fans!!! Quite respect them especially took so long time to wait(starting from morning if not estime wrong) and u know the weather therelah. Quite feel like I am in Taiwan now and entertainment reporter now….lolz

People quening like crazy!!!

The place that we were standing (far far behind and block with something). Pity that we dun have entry ticket coz it need to redeem with the new records from S.H.E at Sungei Wang last Saturday but that time we were at Genting Highland to redeem Wubai Ticket.

The KL tower I took there, kinda boring of waiting…..hot as well…..T_T”’

Duration from 6.30 to 8.30pm ( 2 hours), My legs getting pain like cry!!!!

I saw hundreds camera and phone camera wave.

Feel sorry for the fans stand beside me becoz that can’t get the pictures as it was too far far away. I even need to raise up my camera then snap snap by viewing my LCD and I was using 420 mm + 2x digital zoom.
My fren lynn laughing at me coz she saw many ppl behind concentrate on my miny size LCD as they can’t see S.H.E as to far behind from stage. My hands almost putus loh by raise it and stood properly like that. Aiyo can feel like slimmer a bit jor.

Sorry guys and gals image might not that nice this time. Febe and Zhen Wei Kang come on stage 1st.

He got a nice voice!!! Love his song. Support!!!

The fake S.H.E. lolz…… singing with the “zhong Guo Hua”

Finally…..saw them Selina, Hebe and Ella


The best photo I can get other all burst already….haiz. My post end up here and hope u all really like it coz of the sacrifice of 3 hours standing there. My legs and hand almost putus.

Technorati Tags: S.H.E, Selina, Hebe, Ella, MyFM,, Sungei_Wang, concert, show