Author Archives: Mia

Restaurant Thai Sabye Sabye

Last Monday we went to have our dinner at Restaurant Thai Sabye Sabye which locate at Jalan Klang Lama. Always want to have a try on that place but my friends were more to chinese and western food so just ignore this restaurant. Rainy day coz me want to eat spicy food and Steamboat and lucky Lynn accompany me to dine here.

Comfortable and nice dining place but a bit dark here.



I like the decorate lights and lattern. *snap *snap



So here come the dessert. Normally restaurant will serve us peanuts but they serve us with Nyonya Kuih. Kinda tasty.


Tom Yam soup with seafood, Not to spicy and taste just good, this dish very suitables for people that can’t handle spicy food. Taste so good attempting the rice.


Vege with Belacan – Sorry don’t know what vege is this. A bit old but still smell good.


Crab paste with bake chicken that wrab with banana leaf. Luv it!!!


Thai Fried Rice. Thumbs up!!!


Lynn with her babe Canon 400D. Pratice more and more!!! I think u can learn from AprilCherrie Jie can and she can become ur SIFU coz taking the same camera. Try to msg to her blog..lolz


I also dream to have one of this machine but no money now….T_T.


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Halo Cafe at OUG PLAZA

YOzzzzz!!! It was been a month never went to Halo Cafe again. Many people might found that spending money in this kind of place was not worth coz quite expensive especially for thier drinks. I come to this place was not for baverage or meal but listen to life band singing. I prefer to come to this OUG branch one compare to Jalan Sultan and cheras one as the place was locate on the second floor and easy to find while you reach the entrance. (near my house of coz!!!)

Some random photo taken in the cafe. Thankz for Lynn help and of coz she need a lot to practice for her new machine.


The Bar


I use to order this Green Apple green tea. I only try on this coz most of the bavarage was sukz!!! My friend also tell me that Jasmine green tea Is good as well.


Lynn order this the hot Jasmine Tea but the waiter bring her the wrong one. It was a glommy rose tea.


Sometimes you come to Halo cafe is depend on your luck as they got nice vocalist and lousy vocalist(average lah).


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Tag yang Ketiga by this month.

I have done the similiar Tag before But I forget when it is already, I was lazy to find back the post out. @lex was the guy who tagged me.


Layer 1: On the outside
Name: Fattien
Birth Date: 15th January 1982 (Old liao oh cry*, but yet still got to write it out)
Current Status: Single
Eye Colour: Brown
Hair Colour: black and got a bit grey hair

Layer 2: On the inside
My Heritage:Hakka
My Fears: Nothing to eat, No money to use and No time to sleep
My Weaknesses: Many wor…..
My Perfect Pizza: hawaiian flavor especially Pizza hut

Layer 3: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow
My First Thoughts of waking Up: Sleep another 10 minutes can
My Bed Time: Not fix
My Most Missed Memories: college time

Layer 4: My Pick
Pepsi or Coke: Rootbeer ok?
McDonalds or Burger King: both
Single or Group Dates: Group
Adidas or Nike: Nike
Tea or Nestea: Mix can
Chocolate or Vanilla: Vanilla
Cappucino or coffee: Mocha can

Layer 5: Do You..
Smoke: No, but last time got
Curse: Yes!!!! curse and shout at the same time.
Take A Shower: Sure!!
Have A crush: Yea!! forget when issit….
Go To School: Working now
Want To Get Married: duwan!!!!
Believe In Youself: I believe on Machine and coculator….ppl do things not perfect one.
Think You’re A Health Freak: Too fat, not healthy at all

Layer 6: In The Past
Drink Alcohol: Yes !!! Vokka, wine and Henessy was my favorite
Gone to the Mall: Everyday pass by
Been on Stage: Ya!!
Eaten Sushi: Mesti makan especially Saisaki and Nippon Teh
Dyed Your Hair: banyak kali, now duwanloh coz scare getting bold

Layer 7: Have You Ever..
Played A Stripping Game: No
Changed Who You Were To Fit In: Yes, I duwan to tell can?

Layer 8: Are You Hoping To..
Get Married: Marry equal to responsible…. I duwan now!!!!

Layer 9: In A Girl
Best Eye Colour: Brown
Best Hair Colour: Mix with layer especially like Stephanie one
Short or Long Hair: long like those shampoo advertisement one

Layer 10: What You Were Doing
A Minute Ago: Doing this tagloh
Hour Ago: Fishing in front the computer
Four And A Half Hours Ago: riding on LRT
A Month Ago: Can’t remember wor
A Year Ago: Change Job

Layer 11: Finish The Sentences
I Love: Everything.
I Hate: people cheat me
I Hide: my porn CD in my desk
I Miss: Ice cream and cakes
I Need: to holiday and have a big rest

Layer 12: Tag 5 People

  • Stephanie
  • Conancat
  • Pinkster
  • Lynn (in the future, ok? After u start the blog u must do this 1st..lolz)
  • Catherine