Category Archives: Event 典礼,活动

Pikom PC Fair at National Convention Center KLCC

Last Sunday I went to Pc Fair with my buddies again damn tired due to last day just came back from Genting and then went to cafe play dota until late night some more. I not feeling want to go that day but I had promise people already. Crowded of people that day and it was very difficult to park our cars. it took us more then a hour for jamming and looking for carpark.

We assemble at the fountain there. look at the people!!! It was 4pm that time.


Lynn walking the first to lead us.


I just felt that nothing difference compare to the previous pcfair. Pricing might cheap a bit but of coz more free giftlah. Those small accesorries like thumbdrive, mp3 player were cheaper on pcfair.


I suppose to upload the Genting pics but I read through found that many people post about PIKOM PC FAIR and so shocked that Anston has post the 1st among us. A bit kia su then feeling to post this first…lolz.


Come to pcfair sure cannot miss out to take pics from the showgal. I might only post few pics only cos all pics almost same angle and same pose which capture from Ahkwong and Anston. Besides, thier pics more better. You can link to thier site and check it out.





Ahkwong with the songko pose…kakakaka. My post end up here.


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KLCC photo session : Day and Night

Feeling want to post this quite long ago but saw many people post pics from KLCC before so I just ignore it until I get some pic from the night section last few days. Can compare compare mah. I capture the image with 16:9 sizes.





Starbuck cafe – I like the angle


Night view at KLCC






During night session, I was using night mode on my camera. I forget to bring along the tripod so I just sit down somewhere near there, target the scenery and place it on top my bag using time mode. I don’t want to touch my camera coz picture might blur. While starting to capture suddenly a gal coming by and she didn’t notice I was taking picture there.


I want to move away my camera by not aiming on the gal at the moment but I am using the sequencial capture method then it come out the result like this:


Just want to delete the above image but my friend said it was nice and sometimes image no need to be so perfect, blur also nevermind.

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TAMIYA ASIA CUP Qualifying series at Berjaya Timesquare

This was a really hot stuff you know. It remind me those old day I was playing the small little race car during primary school. This Tamiya Asia is belong to the big guys and gals Toys and it was start by last Saturday 28th July at Berjaya TimeSquare.


Look at thier acessories for thier little car!!! It was amazing. This was the place to mantain thier own car which checking parts by parts and replace other sparepark. lolz…it look like fixing a real car. Refer to my friend and he mention about this hobby was quite Costly one but what I know different people got different opinionlah. Sometimes I even can spend a lot on others stuff but from parents view they will think that spending money like this is wasting money.


See!!!!! Even uncle also play mah. It was really fun can!! by controlling thier own toy with a big big remote.


Not easy to snap. Damn!!! the car move so fast until the pictures come out very blur.


Lucky got record video at the moment. Must see this video(length 16 second)!!!! It was damn nice and fun coz it look like real running cars..lolz

3…..2….1. Start Vroommmm…….


No choice!!! then I have to switch my camera to Shutter Mode with 1/250 s plus with flash light open but it look not nice at all gr….!!! My camera really bad on shutter mode.


Try on Manual mode then adjust to 1/50 second and finally I can get this result.
The Little Swift!!!

The Little FTO


Sometimes running too fast might coz BAANGINGG!!!! as well. lolz!!!


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