This was the last section of visiting Kluang and my X-colleagues’ wedding. I have to post faster coz still got many pending…….alamak. Many friends ask me to post faster coz they want to see thier picture on my blog and sorry for those who are waitings ^_^ ”.
I still can’t upload any video for this post due to the file size and internet problem in my place, hope you guys dun mind and I will upload it asap.
Ok…lets come back to the Wedding section. After the bargain section with sisters and brothers. The bridegroom finally had come in to reach the bride, the bride and bridegroom change thier rings and directly go for the tea sections coz they will be rushing to groom’s house in time according to the chinese wedding culture.
The tea progress take less than an hour and I follow Sam’s car to the Groom house. The wedding couples continue their ceremony according to the chinese culture procedure on the groom’s site. After some times, the wedding couples finally had thier rest on thier room. They were ask to rest by thier parents but somehow they have no chance to rest coz people continue coming in for blessing and asking to take photos. oi yo….xin ku xin ku(mean exhauste) but it was value as an memorable day.
Talking a little about thier pass….(I just know a little)…they have been together more then 10 years I think start from secondary school until now both facing the darkest and brightest moment sharing together, the believing in between each other and the each steps you both walk together by this long run.That was not easy u know?!. I have been saw many couples that can’t even be together for a long period due to many reason, many interuption…… I really really want to congratutions to you both.
This was our group photo.
Around 2pm, We went back to had a nap at the same time Salem went to find his relatives and Sam went to lead Ah Kok and Felicia to our resting place.
Instead of just giving Ang Pow we do prepare a gift for the Wedding couples.
As Sam mention this lamp not just only can light up the room but it also can hold up to 150kg weight.