We came early to one of the shooting spot at Putra Jaya which located the left size of the PICC. I don’t know how to explain the direction but if you guys want to know it you can ask Ahkwong. On the 16th Saturday I came with Nkwai, Ahkwong and Myin. We met up with Kimfei, kimfei’s dearest and Sleepyhao.
Before the fireworks start we went to shot around the environment.
The sky was blue that day and I try to attempt with my CPL to shot the structure with the sky.
The fireworks delay until 10 pm that night, I found the wind blowing to the right site and the fireworks’ smoke really annoy while in the shooting session. By no choice, I have to raise up to F 12-16. Not going to write more about it so let the pictures below explain itself.
My post end up here and tonite I will continue my journey to shot Canada Fireworks. hehe
Justin meet the fans session at Sungei Wang Concourse
I rushing to Sungei wang yesterday 5.30pm and reach in time by 5.45pm. Lucky thier was still some place for me to stuck in. I only have a 50mm prime lens that time and a FZ50 for backup, if the range to far I have to change to FZ50. By the way, I am suppose to buy tele lens yesterday but too bad the shop cannot offer with a cheaper price.
The effords from the fans below. I try get a chance to snap those with LED lights one but too bad as they just facing the stage.
People around trying to snap anything they could. Got live view is good!!! but I try to use back the old style.
Justin Lo will meet his Malaysian fans at 6.00pm on 15th August 2008 at the Concourse Level of Sungei Wang Plaza.Justin, Hong Kong-based American singer-songwriter and record producer will be in town to promote his concert ‘Air Justin 08 Live in Genting Highlands’. I am not going explain much so just let the photos below explain itself.
1#- Hi Everybody!!
5#- Close up
6#- Close up
7#- Close up
Myin ,Lynn and Nicholas group photo. Nicholas the host for this event. OK my post end up here.
Nikonian Photography Talks and Tips at Ikano : Day 2
We came here for the next day to seek for more interesting talks and models shooting. Before reach Ikano we went to One Utama 1st for the Animax Custom Contest shooting session but I didn’t manage to shot a lot from there.
About 30 minutes we stay at One Utama after that we switch to Ikano for the Nikoninan Photography talks and tips. Oh ya!!! forget to mention who was coming to this event last week and they was Hiew, Nkwai, Ahkwong, Lee Peng and Anston.
Image top Left: I met Goblesz at the talks
Image top Right: I met new friend Jessica
Image btm Left: One of speakers for NIkonian Photography talks and tips.
Image btm Right: Most annoying person of the day, always use his elbow to block my shooting area. 40% of photo got his head, arms and elbow. WTF!!
Thankz for Hiew borrowing me his tele lens. Although it was beyond F4 but under some light condition it still roxks!!! Got image stabilization is not the same lor. I try to shoot on a gal from full tele range 250mm as below. The result is slighty blur but of coz with shutter of 1/20.
I don’t explain much here, so let just see the photos below:
I finally know her name.. SHARON!! 😀
ok, my post end up here.