Astro on demand road show : Bernice Liu and Lam Boh Yee meet the fans session at the curve

Sorry for postponing Ahkwong and Myin Wedding dinner ya and it will be post for next due to not finish edited on the photos..lolz. I trying to update my blog frequently so write this short post here.

Last Sunday I was awaken by Ahkwong and inform that there willh have Astro on demand a road show at The Curve. We rush there in time and the show end up so fast but I am still lucky to have a few shots for Bernice Liu and Lam Boh Yee!!! 😀

Bernice Liu close up shot
Bernice Liu

Bernice Liu

Lam Boh Yee close up shot
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32nd Bon Odori 2008 at Matsushita Corp Stadium in Shah Alam

Bon Odori , meaning simply Bon dance and is an event held during Obon. It is celebrated as a reminder of the gratefulness one should feel toward one’s ancestors. The event was located at Matsushita Corp Stadium in Shah Alam. I went there with Ahkwong, Hungwei, Hiew, Lee Peng and Myin.

We reach there late by 8pm and it almost took us long time to find parking there. When we reach the main entrance …oh gosh the crowd was so overwhelming.
By the way, we meet Ahkhai, Anston and Lynn there. And the same time, we was lucky to catch up the final dance for the event.



And Yet I meet a few bloggers there. Image(up)Godbless(left) and Donz (right).
Image (btm) Nath
Bon Odori

Group picture- The red gang
Bon Odori

Second Group picture – The red gang
Bon Odori

After finish the dancing session of Bon Odori we rush to the food session to seek for some Japanese food. By the way, so many people quene there.
Bon Odori

Bon Odori

Lee Peng posing with the ice cream.
Bon Odori

Meet Ahkhai my school classmate. My post end up here.
Bon Odori